Everyone Needs A Room of One's Own

September 2019 @GeneratorProjects
The Queer Dot Zine, alongside with The Queer Dot: Our Space, Our Experience

The work is based on personal reading experience of “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf. The book is noted in its argument for both a literal and figurative space for women writers within a male-dominated world. The narrative, to me, could apply to many situations nowadays. Also current problems are no longer between two sexes, but among all beings sharing the world together. The work visualises my conversation with Woolf, which crosses time and space. As a being living in the moment, I am still in search of who am I and how to identify myself.

The work is selected to be one of the contributors in The Queer Dot Zine.
The Queer Dot Zine is released with the The Queer Dot: Our Space, Our Experience. exhibition at GENERATORprojects in Dundee.